Mac-Source 1994 July
C and C++
Lightspeed C SKEL fldr
Skel header.c
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Text File
200 lines
Original Lisa Pascal version written by
Steve Maker
Academic Computing
Kiewit Computation Center
Dartmouth College
July 14, 1984
Translated for Megamax C compiler by
Bill Jefferys
Astronomy Department
University of Texas
Austin TX 78712
March 11, 1985
Simple convert to Lightspeed C by
Michael Peirce
1258 Manet Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
June 16, 1986
Copyright notice:
SKEL may be copied and used by anyone, so long as that use
is not for commercial purposes. Please send significant
changes back to Steve Maker for incorporation into future
Skel is a skeleton demo program. Its purpose is to illustrate
in a clear fashion, isolated from any particular application,
the basic code for handling a simple Macintosh user interface.
It strives to be correct as far as it goes, without many
short-cuts that would lead to trouble in larger applications.
I think of SKEL as a program that does nothing, but does
it well.
What does SKEL do?
It handles:
Events, carefully handling only those which are its
business, and passing the others on to their
respective handlers.
A Window, which is filled with Dark Gray, and can be
activated or inactivated, updated, dragged
and grown but NOT scrolled or closed.
Menus, including the Apple Menu. An "About Skel" menu entry
is provided. A File menu offers Rattle and
Frighten, which just invoke dialog boxes, and Quit.
Command key equivalents are supported.
The Desk Accessories, supported in the Apple menu,
and correctly meshed with the other features.
NOT supported are Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste and Clear
(and keyboard equivalents) for desk accessories.
A Modal Dialog Box, used to communicate with the user.
Special icons for the application and its related files.
The Finder information (in the resource file).
In accordance with Macintosh guidelines, everything possible is
kept in the resource file: window description, menus,
dialog specification, and the "About Skel" and other strings.
In addition, the resource file handles the Bundle, File
References, and Icons that determine what Skel's icon looks
like, and other information for the Finder.
How do I use SKEL?
Study it. Modify it to test your knowledge. Steal working
pieces of code for your own programs. Beat on it. Subject
it to cruel and unusual experiments. Pay heed to its warnings.
What do I study first in SKEL?
Initially you should ignore several sections of SKEL, and the
calls made to them. I recommend X-ing them out in your listing.
The sections to ignore on the first round of study are:
Report: ignore the implementation
SetUpMemory: ignore all of it
DrawWindow: ignore the scroll bar and grow icon handling
ReSize: ignore all of it
DoCommand: ignore the Desk Accessory handling in the
Apple Menu
mouseDown handling: ignore inSysWindow, inDrag, inGrow
keyDown, autoKey handling: ignore this.
In the resource definition file, SKEL.R:
Finder information (offset by asterisks):
ignore this whole section, icons and all.
What should I read in Inside Macintosh?
You should read the following sections of Inside Macintosh,
in the order given. At first, just lightly skim the sections
with parenthesized names. Read the others in some depth. Read
the starred (*) ones in great detail. Eventually, you will
have to read all sections thoroughly, and many many times,
I promise you.
To start:
* Inside Macintosh: A Road Map
(User Interface Guidelines)
Structure of a Macintosh Application
* Putting Together a Macintosh Application
Then, (low-level sections are listed first):
* Memory Mgr Intro
(Memory Mgr)
* Resource Mgr (through "Using the Resource Mgr")
* QuickDraw
(Desk Mgr)
* Event Mgr (through "Event Mgr routines")
Window Mgr
Menu Mgr
(Dialog Mgr)
How do I get SKEL to run?
With Version 2.0 of the Megamax Compiler, run "batch" with
the input file "Skel.bat".
What is the history of SKEL?
v1.0 July 14, 1984 sm: major revision of earlier version
Sept 30, 1984 sm: used \14 for apple symbol in res. file,
bracketed OpenDeskAcc with Get and SetPort,
Oct 11, 1984 sm: changed FREF, BNDL resources from HEXA
to readable,
nested some routines in SKEL,
added constants for FILE menu items,
v2.0 Nov 12, 1984 sm: made resources pre-loaded and/or purgeable,
turned off range-checking,
documented no Resume proc passed to
added SetUpMemory:
calls MoreMasters, MaxApplZone,
sets the NIL address to -1,
lots of general memory doc.
added a warning about passing doubly-
dereferenced handles,
removed en/disabling of Rattle and
Frighten items,
v2.1 Dec 4, 1984 sm: added menu key handling,
put Rattle and Frighten strings in res file,
rewrote intro documentation
v2.2 Mar 6, 1985 sm: converted to % describes,
Fixed SKELX for both 2.0 and 3.0 workshop,
set the event mask
v2.2C 3/11/85 whj: converted to Megamax "C"; future Megamax "C"
version numbers will have the same version
number as the corresponding Pascal version,
but with an appended "C".
v2.2.1C 4/1/85 whj: Added in-place conversion of Pascal strings
to C strings for the string resources. Uses
new procedure "initStrRes", included in
this file. This is a kludge required because
the RMaker program supplied does not
support C-Style strings. v. 2.0 of Megamax C
is different in its handling of string
resources than v. 1.2, which necessitated this
change. Strings resources must not be
purgeable for this to work.
Also modified the header file "qdvars.h" which was
supplied with Megamax C v. 2.0. Use the new version
in place of the Megamax version; the interface will
be similar to the Lisa Pascal interface.
v.2.2.2C 5/20/85 whj: Corrected two minor bugs reported on Usenet.
The bugs apparently had no effect on the operation
of the program.
The distribution version of the program has been
converted to Inside Macintosh toolbox names using
Convert. To use with Megamax C Compiler, use
Convert as distributed with Version 2.0, with the
"-L" argument to get a file containing all lowercase
toolbox calls.
v. 2.2.3C 8/1/85 whj: C-Style strings put into the Resource Fork
following a suggestion of Joel West, of CACI, Inc
(USENET: gould9!joel; ARPANET: gould9!joel@NOSC.ARPA).
This uses the RMaker type 'GNRL' to Create
null-terminated strings in the Resource Fork.
"initStrRes" kludge eliminated.Special handling
of periods (ASCII 2E) is required. See skel.r for
details. Thank you, Joel!
v. 2.2.3LSC 6/16/86 mrp: Works under Lightspeed C now. Took out
"C-style" strings; converted some &points; changed the
includes; random others stuff. Also broke up the source
to better fit into Lightspeed's project organization.